Chromatography Conference | Chromatography Congress | Spectrometry Conference | London | UK | 2023

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Chromatography Techniques 2023

About Conference

Chromatography Techniques and Spectrometry organizing committee welcome to our analytical expertise, professional chemists, researchers, professors, scientific communities, delegates, scholars, business professionals and executives from all over the world to join the ‘14th International Conference & Expo on Chromatographic Techniques and Spectrometry’ during March 24-25, 2023 in London, UK which includes prompt keynote presentations, oral communicate, Poster presentations and Exhibitions with the theme of “ Research on  Development of Bio-analytical method for the Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of organic compound by Chromatography and spectrometry.

Chromatography Techniques 2023 conference could be a global platform for transmits and exploring new areas of research and development and to assess rising technologies in the field of chromatography techniques. In Chromatography Techniques 2023, there will be many seminars, workshops and technical sessions take place in this conference series which will absorb the attention of the professionals to attend the conference and it would enormously enrich our knowledge in understanding the latest requirements of the global pharmaceutical industry. The expert will get a golden opportunity to give many presentations and lectures on different topics.

Chromatography Techniques 2023 is a global annual event to discuss and learn of different types of chromatography and separation methods in the fields of chemistry, Hyphenated Separation methods, Novel separation techniques, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, many applications of chromatography and research relate to these fields.

In the light of this theme, the conference series aim is to provide a forum for international researchers from various areas of analytical research, separation sciences, method development and validation by providing a platform for critical analysis of current data, and to share latest cutting-edge research finds and results about all aspects of separation methods and chromatography.


  • Best Poster Award
  • Outstanding Young Researcher Award
  • Group Registration benefits
  • Keynote sessions by the world’s most eminent researchers
  • Top Industries Representations
  • Share the ideas with both eminent scientists and mentors

Target Audience

  • Analytical experts in chromatography techniques
  • Research Heads from government authorized Research Centre
  • Leads from Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industries
  • Industrial experts working on various novel solid & liquid columns
  • Marketing teams of particulars Industries with novel products to show case at the conference
  • Directors and lecturers from different Universities and Institutions
  • Post-doctoral & PhD students researching on analytical & Bio-analytical method development     
  • Theoretical scientists research on deriving analytical hypotheses
  • Relevant Graduate and Post graduate students


Track 1:- Major Chromatographic Techniques

Chromatography is a method of separation of compounds from a mixture. The technique is both analytical and preparative and is employed most widely applicable in industries as well as in laboratories. Chemical analysis is mostly done all over the world with chromatography or any other many techniques relate to chromatography. Chromatography is a physical technique based on state of separating compound and has a vast application in chemical field starting from basic analytical chemistry to forensic science.

Some major chromatography techniques are:

Track 2:- Advances in Chromatography-HPLC Instrumentations

HPLC is popular method of analysis for natural products because of its high accuracy, precision and is not differed by the stability or the volatility of the compounds. HPLC combined with diode array detector, mass spectrometer (HPLC-MS) have been successfully utilized for the qualitative and quantitative determination of various types of constituents like alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, flavonoids etc.

Specific detectors are

Track 3:- Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry

Liquid chromatography is a fundamental separation method in the life sciences and related fields of chemistry. Unlike gas chromatography is unsuitable for non-volatile and thermal fragile molecules, liquid chromatography can safely separate a very wide range of organic compounds, from small-molecule drugs metabolite to peptides and proteins.

Traditional detector for liquid chromatography includes

Mass spectral data add specificity that increases stability in the results of both qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Track 4:- Chromatography in Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical

One of the most characteristic features of the developing in the technology of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis is that HPLC became undoubtedly the most important analytical method for identification and quantification of drugs, either in their active pharmaceutical ingredients or in their formulation during the process of their discovery, development and manufacturing.

Track 5:- Chromatography in Food Science Technology

Chromatography in Food Science Technology with modern technology and facilities, our food supply is more diverse and more highly processed than ever before. To ensure the safety and nutritional our food quality in many countries and organization have promulgated regulations Other regulations require food packaging to list ingredients relating to nutritional content, such as preservative, artificial chemicals, saturated and unsaturated fat

Among the several new qualitative and quantitative techniques being developing in food analysis applications

Track 6:- Biochemical Applications of Chromatography-HPLC

HPLC is a very common method for metabolic analysis. With the discoveries of electrospray ionization, HPLC is used with mass spectroscopy. HPLC has lower chromatographic resolution, requires no any derivation for polar molecules and separates out molecules in the liquid phase. HPLC has the advantage of much wide range of analytes measurements with a higher sensitivity than gas chromatographic methods.

Biochemical Applications of Chromatography-HPLC

Track 7:- HPLC Fingerprinting applied in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

Fingerprinting is a quality control process that builds upon spectroscopic and chromatographic technology. It is differ from the traditional quality control model in the sense that fingerprinting looks at the “complete information” or comprehensiveness of the chromatograph, and displays integrated quality information data. HPLC techniques are applicable for purification and separation of various biological samples. The analyzed samples are under going to sequencing studies either manually or using different software’s. This is studied as Data mining and sequencing analysis. HPLC is also used for the characterization of various metabolites.

Track 8:- Bio-analytical Applications of Chromatography

HPLC can be applicable in both qualitative and quantitative applications that are for both compound quantification and identification. Normal phase HPLC is rarely used now, almost all of HPLC separation can be performed in reverse phase. Reverse phase HPLC (RPLC) is ineffective for only a few separation types.

HPLC is applicable for

  • Molecular weight determination
  • Pharmaceutical and drug science
  • Clinical sciences
  • Polymer chemistry
  • Environmental chemistry and green chemistry

Track 9:- Chromatography-HPLC in Bio-Medical Research

HPLC is the most versatile of all chromatography techniques but also the most complex. It was first made available in the laboratory during the 1970s and is currently used for the analysis of life sciences related organic compounds amino acids, peptides, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and related compounds, vitamins, hormones, and drugs.

HPLC can be coupled with following detectors:

Track 10:- Hyphenated Chromatography Methods

The biophysical hyphenated technique is developed from the coupling of a separation technique and an on-line spectroscopy detection technology. Several remarkable improvements in hyphenated analytical methods over the last two decades have significantly broadened their applications in the analysis of biomaterials, especially natural product, pre-isolation analyses of crude purification or fraction from various natural sources, isolation and detection of natural products, chemical fingerprinting, testing of herbal products, de-replication of natural products, and metabolomics.

Isolation and purification can be achieved by various modern hyphenated methods

Track 11:- Chromatography-HPLC as Separation Techniques

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique is a non-destructive procedure for resolving a complex mixture into its individual fractions or compounds. It is based on the differential migration of solutes with the solvents. The solutes in a mobile phase go through stationary phase. Those solutes with a high affinity for the mobile phase will spend more times in this phase than the solutes that prefer the stationary phase. As the solute rise up through the stationary phase and they separate. The process is called chromatographic development. The fraction with greater affinity to stationary layer travels slower and shorter distance while that with less affinity travels faster and longer distance.

The following techniques are used for separation:

Track 12:- High Efficiency & High Resolution Techniques

UHPLC (Ultra-HPLC) or UPLC (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography) is now being adopted in industrial labs, especially the pharmaceutical industry for analytical application due to its high speed, high resolution and solvent saving. A UHPLC technique uses a sub-2micron column as it minimize the analysis time by 80% and save the mobile phase consumption by a huge amount compared to the conventional HPLC. In addition, the much shorter run time significantly minimize UHPLC method development scouting time. Micro and Nano HPLC ensure that high levels of flow rate flexibility and reproducibility.

Track 13:- Method Development & Validation

Quality can be designed to process through systematic implementation of an optimization strategy to establish a thorough understanding of the response of the system quality to given variables, and the use of control strategies to ensure quality. The concept of techniques development includes modeling of the influence of variables value on quality, design of experiments, and simplification of processes as information is collected. The extension of Quality by Design philosophies is now applied on the development of manufacturing processes and analytical methods. The ability of a chromatographic technique to successfully separate, identify and quantitate species is determined by a powerful factor called experimental design. Automation of a process is one of the important keys for increasing the productivity of a research group.

Track 14:- Recent Advances in Chromatography-HPLC

The HPLC methodology applicable for the analysis of biological samples makes it possible for the identification of many metabolites. Samples collect from two human embryos culture medium were analysis by high-pressure liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS). They work based on the principle that many microorganisms have their own unique mass spectral signature based on the particular proteins and peptides that are present in the cells. Identification of unknown peaks in gas chromatography (GC-MS)-technique based discovery metabolomics is challenging, and remains necessary to permit discovery of novel or unexpected metabolites that may allergic diseases processes and further our understanding of how genotypes related to phenotypes.

Track 15:- Chip Based Chromatography Separations

In chip based chromatography separation techniques we use micro fabricated separation device. The availability of the fused-silica capillary marked a significant breakthrough for gas chromatography and all gas chromatographs manufactured were we use fused silica capillary columns for separation. Fused-silica capillaries have an abundant contribution to the developments of other micro separation methodology like supercritical fluid chromatography. The success of one separation technique relies on sample introduction technologies their separation column and sensitive detectors that can preserve chromatographic fidelity of high resolution chromatographic peaks.

The HPLC-Chip is made of biocompatible polyimide and the functionality of this chip is equivalent to conventional Nano spray LC/MS. Monoliths make by single rod of porous material with several unique features in terms of permeability and efficiency

Track 16:- Market Growth of Chromatography-HPLC

The global chromatography instrumentation market is segmented on the basis of systems, applications, consumables and regions. The report studies of the global chromatography instruments market for the forecast period from 2015 to 2020. The market of HPLC is expected to reach USD 9.223 Billion by 2020 from USD 7.062 Billion in 2015, at a CAGR of 5.5%.

It is anticipated that North America and Europe will continue to lead the market over world in the next five years; the chromatography market in Asia will expand and increase its market share.

Track 17: Mass Spectrometry

Mass Spectrometry is an analytical method that ionizes chemical species and separates of ions based on their mass to charge ratio. In order to measure the characteristics of individual molecules, a mass spectrometer convert them in to ions so that they can be moved about and replace by external magnetic fields and electric fields.Mass spectrometry has been enhanced with advanced features related the fields in life sciences and medical analysis of the various sorts of explanatory methods utilized as a part of drug discovery and advancement. A mass spectrum is a plot of the ion signals as a function of the molecular mass-to-charge ratio. These spectra are use to determine the elemental or isotopic signature of a given sample, the masses of particles and of molecules, and to elucidate the structures of chemical molecules, such as peptides and another chemical compounds.

• The Ion Source

• The Mass Analyzer

• The Detector

Track 18: Analytical Chemistry

Analytical chemistry studies and uses instruments and methods used to separate, identify and quantify of matter. In practice separation, identification or quantification may constitute the entire analysis or be combined with any other method. Modern analytical chemistry is deals with instrumental analysis.mostly analytical chemists focus on a single type of instrument. Academics tend to either focus on current applications and discoveries or on new methods of analysis. Spectroscopy based on the differential interaction of the analyte along with the electromagnetic radiation. Chromatography, in which the analyte is separate out from the rest of the given sample so that it may be measured without interference from other compounds.

• Qualitative analysis

Gravimetric analysis


Track 19: Future Developments in Mass Spectrometry

The practice of mass Spectrometry is one of the useful methods of analytical Chemistry that has undergone the greatest change during the last 25 years. mass spectrometry is the most significant and rapid reaching of these developments, allowing the generation of data in the life sciences that brings new insights into critical questions. The role of mass spectrometry in genomics,proteomics,metabolomics,lipidomics and future prospects for the mass spectrometry manufacturers and advances in mass spectrometry instrumentation and technique are the future developments in mass spectrometry.

Mass analysis

• Mass spectrometry


Track 20: Applications in Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique with high specificity and a growing presence in laboratory medicine.various types of mass spectrometers are being used in an increasing number of clinical laboratories around the all over the world, and, as a result, significant improvements in assay performance are occurring rapidly in areas such as toxicology, endocrinology, and Biochemical genetics.

• Liquid chromatography

Tandem mass spectrometry

Electrospray ionization

Ionization Methods

Track 21: Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Imaging Mass Mpectrometry combines the chemical specificity and parallel detection of  the Mass Spectrometry with microscopic imaging capabilities. Imaging Mass Spectrometry is an analytical technology that combines advanced analytical techniques for the analysis of Biomedical Chromatography with spatial fidelity. Imaging Mass Spectrometry is a methodology that combines advanced analytical techniques for the analysis of Biomedical Chromatography with spatial fidelity. An effective approach for imaging biologicals specimens in this way utilizes Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI MS).

Biomolecular imaging mass spectrometry

Peptide Imaging Using Mass Spectrometry

• Quantitative imaging mass spectrometry

.• High-pressure pump

• Detector

Track 22: Electrochemistry

This area is related to physical research that examines the relationship between control, as a quantifiable and quantitative consideration, and observing the changing properties of organic compounds, with control being viewed as either an indirect result of a specific compound change or in a different way.

Track 23: Green Analytical Chemistry

The goal of green analytical science is to employ systematic technologies that generate less toxic waste, which are safer to applicable and better for the environment. the development of latest analytical techniques changing an old strategy to combine methods that either employ less risky synthetic compounds or use little amounts of risky synthetic substances.

Track 24: Pharmaceutical Analysis

Pharmaceutical analysis is a wider term which can be defined in various ways. This phenomenon is used for identification, determination, separation, purification, and structure elucidation of the given compound used in the formulation of pharmaceutical products. The pharmaceutical components is used to pharmaceutical analysis is done, are normally active pharmaceutical ingredients, pharmaceutical excipients, contaminants present in pharmaceutical products, or drug metabolites. Pharmaceutical analysis can be done by using various analytical techniques.

Analysis of pharmaceutical product in different areas;


Scope & Advantages

Chromatography is used extensively in all over the areas of chemical analysis from typical biological compounds to those in polluted environment. The technique is extensively used by the pharmaceutical industry for both research purposes and for quality control in life sciences. Similarly, the biochemical and biotechnology industries widely use of chromatographic techniques. Since its invention, chromatography techniques has become a key tool for separation, identification, purification and quantification of several compounds. Chromatography is under constant development owing to the growing research needs in research and industrial levels. This has led to the combination of HPLC with other spectroscopic techniques like NMR, MS, GC, IC, and MALDI.  Now days Hyphenated HPLC techniques are more investigated and used to combine the efficiency of more than one technique.


Market Analysis

Global Market Value of Chromatography

Chromatography techniques has evolved over the years and become a method of choice for analysis, identification, and purification of a wide variety of mixture compounds. Chromatography application is growing rapidly, with value expected to hit $228 billion by 2017, up from $164 billion in the year 2018, marking nearly 7%, and annual growth according to a recent industry research report. The global gas chromatography market, valued at $2,583.6 million in 2017, is expected to reach $3,605.1 million by 2020 at a CAGR of 6.9%.This research report categorizes the market into three broad segments like Instrumentation, Accessories & Consumables, and Reagents. The market of gas chromatography instrumentation is expected to grow at the highest CAGR of 5.7% from 2018 to reach $883.5 million by 2020. The largest market of chromatography is in North America followed by Europe-with the two continents having 70% of the market-then Asia. It is anticipated that whilst North America and Europe will continue to lead the market of chromatography over the next five years, the chromatography market in Asia will expand and increase its market share.

European Market Value of Chromatography

The European liquid chromatography systems life sciences research report defines and segments the concerned market in Europe with analysis and forecast of revenue. The liquid chromatography systems market in Europe was valued at $1034.9 million in 2013, and is estimated to grow to $1360.2 million by 2018, at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2013 to 2019.Europe is the second-largest market for liquid chromatography systems, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2013 to 2018.Germany has the largest share in the European liquid chromatography systems, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2013 to 2018, followed by France, which is expected to grow at the same CAGR as that of Germany. The gas chromatography systems market in Europe is valued at $191.1 million in 2013, and is estimated to grow to around $247.6 million by 2018, at a CAGR of 5.3% from 2013 to 2018.Europe is the second-largest market poised to reach $247.55 million by 2018, and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% from 2013 to 2018.


Why to Attend

With members from all over the world focused on learning and advancing Chromatography and Spectrometry Techniques, so this is your golden opportunity to reach the largest assembly of Chromatographic techniques 2023 attendees and the community. This conference aims to bring together all these scientists, noble laureates, researchers, university researchers, students and peoples involved in the Chromatography and Spectrometry field and allow to discuss their unique innovation, share ideas and communicate with each other. World-renowned speakers, the most recent developments and advances in the field of Chromatography and Spectrometry are in the spotlight of the conference.

A Unique Opportunity for Advertisers and Sponsors at this International event.

Global Chromatography and HPLC Associations

Major Associations in Europe


Past Conference Report

Advance Chromatography 2022

Thanks to all of our wonderful Speakers and Conference Attendees of Advanced Chromatography 2022 Conference was our best forever!

14th International Conference on Advances in Chromatography & HPLC Techniques organised by Conference Series LLC was held on February 21-22, 2022 Webinar with the theme “Novel Innovations and Emerging Opportunities in Chromatography Techniques which got magnificent response. With the support and guidance of Organizing Committee Members and Editorial Board Members and astonishing presentations of all participants this prominent event became more imposing. It also provided invaluable networking opportunity, deploying the foundation for current research endeavours and development projects.

The meeting was carried out through varied sessions, in which the conversations were held on the following major scientific tracks:

Conference Series LLC would like to inform a great appreciation to following eminent people, honourable guests and Keynote speakers.



  •  Maria Angeles Pinero Lopez, University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Martin Finkbeiner, Merck Group, France
  • Kriss Harris, SAS Specialists, UK
  • Greg Koski, Senior Advisor ,Albright Stonebridge Group, Washington US  


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date March 24-25, 2023

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques Mass Spectrometry & Purification Techniques

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by